Message from the NWI Chapter President

     Welcome to the website for the North Western Illinois Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society (NWI for short). If you're interested in railroading both past and present in the Upper Midwest, NWI may very well be for you. We've been around quite a long time, over 40 years in fact, and we've got some of the best photographers in the United States to be counted among our members.

    On the fourth Saturday of most months (we take June, July and December off), we have a chapter meeting at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Rockford, IL, where we take care of chapter business and share railroad news before taking in a slide program given either by a member or a guest presenter.

    Over the last few years, NWI members have also organized railroad-guided yard and facility tours in Chicago, which is the best, and sometimes the only way to experience those areas in railroading off limits to members of the general public.

     I encourage you to explore our website, and if you like what you see and would like to experience what NWI is all about in person, please try to make one of our chapter meetings. If you can't make a chapter meeting, but would still like to join NWI, just clink on the link to get the information you need and we'll get you set up running. Trust me, it's a good deal.

            Jerry Pyfer

Chapter address

North Western Illinois Chapter - NRHS
P.O. Box 5632
Rockford, IL 61125-0632